The Blog

Everyone wants to avoid these three biggies: ·       Roof Damage ·       Water Damage ·       Fire Damage Don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent these blunders. Here’s a rundown of the simple steps you can take to keep your home in tiptop shape – what to look out for, how to […]

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We all love our first homes but eventually there comes a point when it’s time to move on.  Life changes and so do our needs and wants in a home. When you are ready for a new home but also have one to sell or rent-out, the stakes are much higher. This time around, you’ve […]

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As a homeowner, you should have gained some equity in your home since living there and paying your mortgage down. Have you ever considered using this equity to finance some of your needs if you don’t have the cash flow? A home equity loan or line of credit are two ways to get the necessary […]

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 Homeowners like to see their home increase in value — it means you made a good decision purchasing this property. Kudos to you!  But before you start high-fiving about how much your home is worth, you might want to take a closer look at your tax assessment.  Remember … the higher the assessment, the higher […]

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You love your neighborhood and everything about where you live, but you wish you could make some changes to your home.   You’re not alone with this thinking. But many homeowners don’t move forward since they believe that financing and lack of cash is a roadblock for them when it comes to renovating their current home. […]

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Who hasn’t checked out online real estate sites for price estimates of their own home, a neighbor’s home, or even a beach house when on vacation?  Most of us are guilty as charged! It’s easy to see why these sites and apps are tempting to use since buyers and sellers can get marketing information directly […]

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Don’t ever just “rubber stamp” your homeowner’s insurance policy before you renew! How you live in your home and what possessions you own can change from year to year. It’s always a good idea to reassess your needs and consider any changes in your home that could affect your insurance rates and coverage. Before you […]

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You never know if and when something will happen — whether it’s a big catastrophe or something less destructive – so you need to be prepared! It’s essential to choose the right company, the right price, and the right coverage for your specific situation.   Keep in mind, homeowners insurance is really a collection of different […]

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Have you ever been the last one to take a shower and run out of hot water? It could happen when you have too many overnight guests or one family member known for long showers!   But, what happens when your hot water heater stops working efficiently on a daily basis, guests or no guests?  That’s […]

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The wear and tear on your home from the outside elements each season is something you should never ignore as a homeowner.  Wind, snow, ice, rain, and sun can cause damage over a period of time if left unchecked. If you’re living in a single family home, you need to schedule regular maintenance that tackles […]

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If you are moving from a home that is too big or too small and don't know where to begin, get my guide here.  

There are so many things you need to think about when you are 'right-sizing' your home - That is, moving from a home that you've loved to one that better fits your current life. 

My free guide will help you to prepare for the big transition and walk you through how to do everything at the same time you so don't end up with two homes - or no home.
Plus tips, guidance and advice to help you determine when 'right-sizing' makes sense for your finances and your life, and how to do it as strategically and affordably as possible - No matter what the market is doing!